
The Fortuna Nazarene Church is a family who loves God and others without Judgement. We welcome you with open arms on our journey of willingness to hear and do as the spirit of God calls us. We are a missional body of peacemakers who desire to transform our community through Christ Jesus and invite you to come as you are.

our pastor

Nicole Johnson
Lead Pastor

Nicole has been in ministry for as long as she can remember. She began volunteering in Children’s ministry with her dad as soon as she was able. After having her daughter in 2013, God gave Nicole a heart that desired to be more involved in the church, and she began leading women’s Bible study and a junior high girls’ study called “Girls or Grace.” 

Soon after she realized God’s calling on her life and after a time of prayer, accepted the call on her life to be a pastor. In 2019 she enrolled at the Nazarene Bible College. In 2024 she graduated from NBC and was ordained by the Church of the Nazarene.

She has a heavy heart for families on mission and disciples her church to bring alongside their children in ministry and discipleship.

Nicole is always excited to see how God is leading her and her family on the journey of ministry. 

To give freely and joyfully, just as we have received.


To grow in knowledge and wisdom through studying the bible.
To make fishers of men by loving others as Jesus loved us.
Our Church Family